你或许会想,这个城镇已容不下另一个当代艺术博览会了。伦敦当然有Frieze,也有着London Art Fair(伦敦艺术博览会), The Other Art Fair(另一个艺术博览会),Affordable Art Fair, Kinetica(买得起艺术博览会,动态艺术博览会),而且我确定我会忘记其它展会。
但是Art13 London(伦敦艺术13),已在奥林匹亚大礼堂内惊艳开放了几周时间,并被证实,如果需要的话,并非所有艺术博览会是平等创建的,如果有足够的品味和聪颖的视野,你可以带回一些不同的东西。
Stephanie Dieckvoss,博览会总监,交付给这一项目特定的任务,带给这个城市在欧洲不常见的画廊和艺术家。当然,所有的博览会声明“真正的国际化”,但是大部分只是“围绕着世界”,其实zh意味着欧洲和美国。艺术13,然而,有来自亚洲、中东以及非洲、西方的画廊和艺术家。我已不记得曾几何时在如此短时间内发现那么多艺术家了。
Aram Bartholl, Offline Monochrome (triptych), 2013. Photo DAM GALLERY
Aram Bartholl在DAM画廊(柏林/法兰克福)的展台上安置了一个狡邪又低调的wifi路由器装置。每个路由器关联到一个特殊的艺术作品。该作品已经上线,你可以通过智能手机查看。连接网络并关联到路由器,该作品就会出现在你的浏览器上。如果你想看第二件作品,你必须重复操作并连接到第二个路由器,等等。这件作品可以让每一个人在线享受,但他们是与网络断开的。
Nyoman Masriadi, Godlike, 2013. At Gajah Gallery. Photo: Heru Wibowo/Gajah Gallery via Bloomberg
Nyoman Masriadi, Godlike (detail), 2013. At Gajah Gallery
Charming Baker, Love’s Revolution
Rostan Tavasiev, Antique, 2005. At Anna Nova Art Gallery
Oliver Bragg, Yeti, 2012. At Galerie E.G.P.
At Rebecca Hossack Gallery
Maria Bogoraz, DOGS project, N 7-9, 2012
Sui Jianguo, Made in China, 2007. (UCCA Limited Edition)
Donghyun Son, Godzilla, 2010. At Aando Fine Art
Donghyun Son, Godzilla (detail), 2010. At Aando Fine Art
Konstantin Bessmertny, Terrorist Savinkov, 2013. At Amelia Johnson Contemporary
Konstantin Bessmertny, 1881, 2013. At Amelia Johnson Contemporary
Ryu HoYeol, Baum, 2011. At Amelia Johnson Contemporary
Donghyun Son, Mask 008 – Hannibal Lecter’s Mask, 2011 and Mask 035 Hit Girl, 2011. At Aando Fine Art
Lee So Yeun, Chameleon, 2012. At Cais Gallery
Jury Alexandrov. At Anna Nova Gallery
Zilvinas Kempinas, Fountain, 2011
Gideon Kiefer, Spherical Drawing #001 – #002 (Diorama For A Lost Reality)
Eric Chan, Hitchcock’s Love Affair with Abstract, 2013
Peter Blake, Circus Collage (Working Proof), 2013
Eduardo Arroyo, Melencolia – Mickey, 2003. At LEVY gallery
Dawn Black, Conceal Project. At Cynthia Reeves
Dawn Black, Conceal Project. At Cynthia Reeves
Julius Von Bismarck. At Alexander Levy
Peter Clark, Big in Yellow (detail), 2012. At Rebecca Hossack Gallery
Alice Anderson, Travelling Factory performance
The booth of Lazarides, London, U.K. with a Banksy above the fireplace. Photo © Coline Milliard
A 12m-long cylinder of rice paper and bamboo:
Zhu Jinshi’s, Boat. Photo from Wallpaper
Zhu Jinshi’s, Boat
» Art13 London, the art fair that took us by surprise|伦敦艺术13,让人措手不及的艺术博览会, April 10th, 2013